Grammar Spot 1
In certain areas, YES!! I am lucky enough to be a good speller. I never did work out why? Is it because I have always enjoyed reading books? Is it because it was important of my competitive nature to be towards the top in the class for spelling? At the time, I felt that spelling was the only thing I was good at. (EEEK!! I have finished my sentence with a preposition!! Sorry Annie!) Ahem, I meant to write that, at the time, I felt that there were very few things that I was competent and confident to deal with in my youth. I have since discovered other areas that I can be proud of and happy to acknowledge my expertise. My knowledge of other languages helps me to identify roots of words and therefore, work out their meaning. If only I was the type of person who could write so fluidly with concise comprehension that it becomes a musical joy to read my words on the page...SIGH! I guess that is someting that I have to work harder at and perhaps, think less about.