Droga & Humphries
Ex 1.2
Genres- A category of texts that can be recognised by specific aspects of its subject matter, for and language.
Experiential function- the way we use language to represent our experience of the world.
Interpersonal function- the way we use language to interact with others.
Textual function- the way we use language to create well organised and cohesive texts, both spoken and written.
Cultural context- refers to broad cultural practices associated with different countries or ethnic groups as well as institutionalised practices within groups such as schools, sporting associations or internet chat groups. These cultural practices shape the way we achieve goals through language (ie text types).
Socio-cultural context- Language that varies according to the different orientations or backgrounds of groups within cultures. Sociologists and linguists have noted that factors such as socio-economic status, gender, etnic background and age have a great influence on language choices.
Specific context- where language is influenced by the specific activity that we are engaged in.
Metalanguage- Language that describe and discuss parts of language. These can include technical terms,concepts,ideas or codes. The language of grammar and the language of literary criticism are two examples of metalanguage.